Wednesday, May 11, 2011

I found a letter I wrote to myself some while ago. Its words have been helpful to me, and though I'm too self-conscious to show share all of it with you, perhaps a portion will help you too.

You need to be kinder to yourself. It's okay to rest. It's okay to stop. You're still that special you when you're standing still.

You're not to call yourself stupid when you make a mistake or say that you hate yourself. 

I want you to add fun things on your list of things to do and not just chores.

I give you permission to say 'I've reached my limit,' and stop for a rest.

I want you to forget the bad things that have happened in the past, and I give you permission to enjoy the moment, right now. 

I give you permission to take things slowly and do things on your own time schedule and not what schedule someone else things things should be done.